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![]() Chapter 19: Islam and the People that History Forgot |
The Arabs believe that Mecca was founded by Adam, and that its temple, the Kaaba, was built by Abraham. They ascribe the early prosperity of the city to Ishmael, who established his residence there, because, as the Arabian traditions assert, the brackish well of Zemzem was the one to which the angel directed Hagar. Mecca must have been a very ancient city, if, as the commentators believe, it was the Mesha mentioned by Moses as inhabited by Joktan’s posterity. Medina, the sister city of Islam called Yatreb before the appearance of Muhammed, possesses more natural advantages than Mecca; but it is not situated so conveniently for traffic. The people of Medina seem always to have been jealous of the supremacy claimed by the Meecans. This was probably the reason why they espoused the cause of Muhammed when he began to preach his new message about the renewed faith of Abraham that he claimed to be a prophet to teach.
Muhammed was very familiar with the teachings of the Jews and the Christians. There were quite a number of Jews, along with some exiled Samaritans, who lived in the Arabian peninsula bordering the Red Sea. Muhammed came in contact with many of them. The book Islam by Alfred Guillaume states:
[Jewish] descendants of these people exercised a profound influence on Muslim tradition. At the dawn of Islam the Jews dominated the economic life [of the region]. They held all the best land in the oases of Taima, Fadak, and Wadi-I-Qura; at Medina they must have formed at least half the population.""There was a large Jewish colony in the Yemen in pre-Islam times, and they maintained an organized communal existence for centuries until they were brought to Palestine a few years ago. These Yemenite Jews certainly go back to the fourth century C.E., and at one time the ruling king had become a Jew. Two
Guillaume, Islam, p. 11, emphasis mine
It is important to realize that Muhammed was very familiar with Jewish and (consequently) Samaritan religious beliefs and practices. But this was not all. Muhammed himself was a member of the Hussein branch of the prestigious Koreish priestly tribe that had long been in charge of the sacred area of Mecca. Just who were these people who made up the Koreish tribe?
The priestly Koreish tribe of Mecca, to which all the Arabs of the peninsula gave honor and respect, has an interesting traditional history associated with it. Its ancient origination was from one of the most famous cities and regions of Mesopotamia. They were known to have come from Cutha (the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Ed., vol. 17, p.399b). Cutha was a city located before the days of Alexander the Great a few miles northeast of Babylon. It was one of the earliest priest cities of the world. It was formerly the capital of the ancient kingdom of Sumer which came into being right after the Flood. It was first built by Cush the son of Ham (from whom it was named) and it was a city associated in power and influence with Babylon itself. And note this. It was the same central area from whence the Samaritans who lived in central Palestine came from. That’s right, Muhammed and the Samaritans had the same origin. It means that both of them were a part of The People That History Forgot.
The fact that Muhammed had his origin from a priestly tribe that came from the famous Cutha in Mesopotamia is a most significant bit of information. At the time of Muhammed, the city of Cutha had long ago disappeared (it came to an end just after the time of Alexander the Great), but for the Koreish tribe to remember their prestigious priestly origin for the centuries that followed shows that they held their Cutha ancestry in esteem. The word "Koreish" means the same as "Cyrus" in Hebrew and they may have adopted the name in honor of the Persian king because he restored the priesthoods in Mesopotamia to their former prestige and let peoples raise up temples and priesthoods in other areas of the Persian Empire. The Koreish knew they came from the priestly center of Cutha and they said Abraham was born there. This means that at sometime in the past (probably a few centuries before Christ when Cutha was still thriving as a city), some of the priests from that region of Mesopotamia moved into western Arabia and joined forces with the people of Ishmael by marrying into their stock and becoming their priests.
Now again, who were the Cuthians? This was a very common name among the Jews. With so many Jews in Arabia at the time of Muhammed there would have been no doubt in identifying the origin of the Koreish priestly tribe to which Muhammed belonged. In Jewish parlance a secondary name for the Babylonian people of Samaria that the Assyrians had brought into Palestine in the 7th century B.C.E. was the Cuthians. Throughout the Talmud (written in the two to three hundred year period before Muhammed) the name Cuthians for Samaritans was a common one in regular use among the Jews. What this indication shows is that Muhammed was no doubt a descendant of the same type of people as the Samaritans (the original Cuthians from near Babylon).
This means, though separated by five hundred years, Muhammed was a Cuthian like Simon Magus. This fact is not often realized by people, but it is an important one to consider because Simon Magus and his successors can be shown to be the ones who corrupted early Christianity and now the same stock of people were with Muhammed beginning to raise up a new world religion from Arabia. This means that the origins of both the type of Christianity we have today with pictures, images, icons, etc. was started by those who came from Cutha near Babylon, but also we find that Muhammed who revolted against the use of idols was still a person who came from the same general stock of people.
This means that though the doctrines of the various Christian sects and the various sects of Islam are very different from one another, still the impetus for their devising a "one world religion" came from the same stock of people. Thus, we have two world religions having their basic origins directly from the region of Babylon in Mesopotamia.
The Book of Daniel shows that all the political and religious factors that make up our world today had their origination with Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon (Daniel 2). Jeremiah was told that a new age was beginning in his time and that he was to be an axial prophet. Jeremiah was to close one age in history and open up a new one. In his first chapter, Jeremiah was told,
[God] have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down [and] to build and to plant!""See, I
Jeremiah 1:10
This new age was to commence with Nebuchadnezzar and the emergence of the Neo-Babylonian Empire. This is what the whole of the Book of Daniel was designed to inform the world. It was to be a "Babylonian" world from then on no matter in what region of the world one would live. Babylon was to be the head of gold (that is, the principles that governed Babylon would be those that would influence all future nations on earth until the Kingdom of God would be set up on earth from the city of Jerusalem). That is why in the Book of Revelation, we find all the various kingdoms of the world that the book discusses as being "Babylonian" in origin.
And what do we have? In Christianity we have been taken over by the philosophies and doctrines of the Babylonians as promulgated by the syncretism of Simon Magus and his successors. We have the images and icons of the pagans in most churches and though they are clearly the remnants of the old pagan gods and goddesses, we call them by the names of Christ, the apostles, the prophets and other men who were influential in early Christianity. And, the Christian society which represents about a third of the population of the present world is more prone to the use of the Babylonian idols than even the ancient Babylonians themselves.
And though with Islam, the very opposite is the case with its abhorrence of any form of idolatry or image making, its philosophy of a one-world, universal government coming from Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem is the same concept that Nebuchadnezzar and his successors were advocating. And now that it can be known that Muhammed himself was a descendant of the prestigious Koreish tribe that came originally from Cutha in Mesopotamia, it should not be difficult to see the handing down of the "Babylonian" philosophical principles and doctrines in their varietal forms in the guise of the Abrahamic faith. That Babylonian concept of a "one-world government of mankind" being taught by Islam by its various sects now has about a quarter of the world’s population adhering to it.
Indeed, the philosopher Karl Jaspers in his work titled The Origin and Goal of History made the observation that the epoch surrounding the time of the prophet Jeremiah was what he called "the Axial Period" for the history of mankind. His thesis was that near that time the world went into a brand new type of philosophical and religious belief that caused the great world religions that we know of today to have their basic origins. He felt it was no accident that Buddha, Lao-Tzu, Zoroaster, Shintoism, the Greek philosophers, the beginning of Judaism, were all concentrated in origin within this "Axial Period" of history. And the center of it all, according to the Bible, was the Neo-Babylonian Empire and its first king who was Nebuchadnezzar. It can be shown that much transplantation of Babylonian ideas and religious beliefs were introduced, into India at this time (which altered Hinduism in some of its essential teachings). And from India, they spread into China and the eastern areas of Asia.
When all is said and done, it can be shown that all the religions in the world that we see about us at the present have in one way or another been influenced by the people that came out of the region of Babylon. And in the case of the Samaritans and others like them who gave Christianity its present form of idolatry, we can know that it was inspired by Simon Magus, himself a Samaritan. And, as mentioned above, even Islam has its basic teachings coming from the priests of Cutha who originated in Mesopotamia. It is no wonder that the Bible refers to the age from the time of Nebuchadnezzar to the second advent of Christ as being the age that will be dominated by Babylon and its philosophies (see the Books of Daniel and Revelation).
I believe from the information that I have provided in this book that we can now know who were The People That History Forgot. They were not those of Rabbinic Judaism who have been accused of practicing idolatry in the four hundred years from the second to the sixth centuries. Rabbinic Judaism has not been guilty of such idolatry in the main (nor are they today) in the sense of putting paintings, pictures and icons of pagan gods and goddesses in their synagogues. The mainline Jews did not do such things.
But who actually were The People That History Forgot? The principal people were the Samaritans who went into Europe and became Christians. They were also the Syrians and Phoenicians who did the same thing. Additionally, there were also the Edomites who gave rise to some of the emperors of Rome. And we should not forget the priestly tribe of the Koreish who gave rise to Islam.
And they were also other Semitic tribes who joined their brethren in the west. All of these people who went to Europe now go by different names, which are modern European ones. These people are certainly not inferior in any way that man imagines which has to do with race and racial characteristics. Absolutely not! These people are sophisticated and intelligent people. They have so much to offer to the world. But the idolatry which they advocate has become rampant wherever they spread their form of Christianity. The Scriptures warn people about the harmful effects of image making and idolatry. Perhaps we should close this historical study about The People that History Forgot with two quotes from John and Paul. "Little children, keep yourselves from idols" (1 John 5:21). "Dearly beloved, flee from idolatry" (1 Corinthians 10:14).
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